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World Anatomy Day 2024


World Anatomy Day 2024 (Oct. 15) approaches so we thought we’d hop online and celebrate all those who are, well, making an effort to celebrate.


It’s pretty amazing, although most of the activity seems to have a British flair. (But then again, Major League Baseball calls it the “World Series” and we can’t remember the last team, say, based in Paris. Or Sydney.)  


The University of Sunderland will host a regional anatomy event with hands-on activities and stage shows, designed for the whole family. Features include stations focused on forensics, birth and babies, overview of the human body, and the brain. It’s free. 


The Old Operating Theatre Museum in London will host Anatomy Week from Oct. 14 – 20, featuring events around education, art, and hands-on activities.


Also in England, The University of Birmingham’s World Anatomy Day event (Saturday, Oct. 12) is built around the theme of “Anatomy in Motion.”  The four-hour program will “explore how our bodies move, from tiny cells to whole systems! There’ll be family friendly, fun activities and workshops for all, no matter your knowledge level.”


The International Federal of Association of Anatomists (IFAA) itself is promoting a “day of action and awareness” on Oct. 15. 


On Saturday, Oct. 12, the Centre for Integrative Anatomy at University College London will host an “Amazing Anatomy” event at the Grant Museum in London. 




But how can we as individuals celebrate World Anatomy Day? And/or what can we do to appreciate human anatomy on a more regular basis? 


Well, for this list we need to thank Sandvi Studio in North Carolina. 


A couple of suggestions:

Celebrate An Overlooked Body Part


You might think about your biceps or abs, but what recognizing the beauty of the elbow (and what it allows you to do)? Appreciate it. Pay attention to its many functions and capabilities. Forget about the body parts we tend to over-analyze and pay attention to the unsung heroes.


Being a little silly by choosing a body part we ignore or take for granted can open our minds and awareness to the importance of how our body works as a whole. Even when you’re keeping one area stabilized while another moves, ALL of your body’s muscles are involved in that action as well as your entire fascial web. 


Appreciate Your Organs


Conduct a simple online search and learn about them. Do you know what the spleen does? Why not? It’s easy to find out. You don’t need to be on track for medical school to have some basic understanding about your own organs. Be grateful for how those organs help you get through the day—circulating blood, breathing, digestion, on and on. Next, you can learn about the best ways to keep those organs healthy in terms of exercise, overall movement, and nutrition. The knowledge might inspire you to take better care of them. 


Step Outside Of Your Own Body


Appreciate how others move through the world. Appreciate facial expressions of all varieties. Appreciate skills and talents that others display with their bodies, whether it’s dance or high diving. The more you look, the more you’ll see.

**Photo by Jake Nackos on Unsplash








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