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In 2024, the Anatomy in Clay® Learning System is heading back out on the road!


And this year there’s a new wrinkle with our professional developments.


Drum roll…


If you bring your own model to the workshops, you will save a lot of money on the registration fee.

On April 19 in Castle Rock, Colorado, our Introduction to the MANIKEN® Model professional development will run from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Phillip S. Miller Library.


During this class, participants will learn about—and build in clay—the skeletal, muscular, nervous, cardiovascular/circulatory, respiratory, digestive, urinary and lymphatic systems.


Our goal for this professional development is simple—that you leave the professional development with the confidence you need to teach in your own classroom using the Anatomy in Clay® Learning System.


Here’s the enticement:


If you bring your own model and supplies, registration is $349.


If you would like us to supply the model, clay, and tools the cost is $649. (Of course, we think $649 is also a good deal given the instructional techniques you will learn.)


We are offering the same discount for the B.Y.O.M. (Bring Your Own Model) approach for a two-day professional development in San Antonio (Oct. 4-5). These two days will offer the same Musculoskeletal and Body Systems workshop as above but, with a full extra day, we will go into much more detail.


This time the split is $499 for B.Y.O.M. and $799 for those who would like us to supply the model and materials.


We have many more in-person professional developments being planned!


Events are in the works for Phoenix (April), Detroit (August), Boston (September), Chicago (September), and Orange County, California (sometime in the fall). If you’d like more details as these events come together, head to this page and sign up on those workshops of interest.


And if you can’t attend any of the in-person events, keep in mind the virtual class (also Musculoskeletal & Body Systems) on July 11-12. This class may be taken from the comfort and convenience of your very own home, classroom, or wherever works best for you.


One way or another, we hope to see you soon for some high-quality, hands-on learning!






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1 Comment

Unknown member
Jul 17, 2024

Не так давно, я почав більше часу приділяти новинам, що в свою чергу дуже сильно вплинуло на моє сприйняття подій та загалом на те, як ці події аналізувати. Хочу подякувати новинному порталу Glavcom за те, що вони роблять такий якісний та актуальний матеріал, котрий допомагає читачам бути завжди в курсі подій. Окреме дякую хочу сказати за те, що вони пишуть новини про Велико Британію, про те, які події відбуваються на її теренах, це неаби як круто, та дозволяє більше зрозуміти внутрішні справи країни. Загалом, якщо брати саме Велико Британію, то для мене більш за все важливо те, що я можу бути в курсі того, що саме відбувається в такій розвиненій країні. Та кажучи про роботу новинного порталу, я хочу…


2198 W 15th St., Loveland, CO 80538
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