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Revolutionizing Education: Elite Academic Academy Implements Anatomy in Clay® Learning System in 202


We are very proud to announce that Elite Academic Academy will use the Anatomy in Clay® Learning System beginning in early 2024.

Elite Academic Academy (a California distinguished school) will use the system in its Career Technical Education (CTE) program under the watchful eye of Lupe Rodriguez, who has 21 years of experience in career-connected learning and most of that in health science and the “patient care pathway.”

Rodriguez was recently a guest on the Anatomy in Clay® Learning System podcast, where she described her passion for career training.

“CTE is known for hands-on approach and hands-on learning and skills-based learning,” said Rodriguez. She said she came cross Anatomy in Clay® at a conference, she said, “and the rest is history … I really gained some insight on the power behind students really touching and feeling and learning, collaborating. There were so many things that students got out of this system that, coming to Elite, it was a non-negotiable for me. I really wanted to adopt this program in a virtual setting.”

Yes, Elite is a virtual school.

“Elite Academic Academy really is a trailblazing institution,” says Rodriguez. “It stands on a foundation of over 75 years of combined expertise in both traditional and charter school leadership. We really are dedicated to providing students with a truly exceptional education that emphasizes flexibility, individual support and really diverse learning opportunities.”

The Elite programs are “really tailored to individual student needs … Our curriculum really is designed for students who prefer more individualized approaches over traditional brick and mortar settings.”

Rodriguez said she went to her leadership team with the request to buy an Anatomy in Clay® model for every one of her students—and received complete support for the purchase. The instruction begins in January with about 40 students learning remotely, from all over southern California, through an online platform. Rodriguez said she will teach the respiratory, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal system and more.

Having taught with the system in traditional classrooms, Rodriguez said the key for students is to “have fun” and to realize “there are no mistakes.”

Rodriguez said building anatomical systems in clay will help students recognize the interconnectivity of anatomical systems, too.

“Oftentimes when you're teaching out of a textbook, there's very little opportunity to connect the different systems and how they interact and sort of feed off of each other,” said Rodriguez. “And I think that this is such a great opportunity, you know, that they build the cardiovascular system, they build the heart, but then they're going to have to make those connections to arteries and veins and you know from the center of this of this skeleton, all the way through the tip of those hands. And I think that really is something special.”

We couldn’t agree more.








2198 W 15th St., Loveland, CO 80538
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